
Do you think this child is happy?


What happened to his father?

Did he pass away? Was he ill? Did he have an accident? Or was he caught up in a crime or war? Maybe he was imprisoned. Seeing a child playing with an AI robot instead of their father brings up many emotions. Perhaps this child doesn’t yet understand what “death” means.

Is this child truly happy? Technology is certainly convenient. An AI robot might play with the child in place of the father. But can that really bring true happiness? Only humans can make other humans happy. Conversely, only humans can make others unhappy.

While technological advancements, like AI and robots, make our lives more convenient, they alone cannot bring true happiness. True happiness comes from human connections, the bonds with family and friends.

Therefore, we must not rely too much on technology and must cherish our connections with others. No matter how advanced AI robots become, they can never replace human warmth and love. Each of us must value and support the people around us, as this is the key to true happiness.

While we should appreciate technological progress, it’s crucial to live without forgetting our humanity. Cherish the bonds with those around you and build happiness together. Viva Human!

